Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Introduction MySQL

MySQL is one of the databases, a place to put the data in a structured form of tables and we can do a query or process the data with SQL (Structured Query Language). Tools that can be used one of them is phpmyadmin, with this tool, we do not have to hafalm with SQL select command, create, update.
Here I will explain how to create web pages using PHP and MySQL.
The first step is to connect to the database. And make sure that our local server is already active.

$koneksi = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");

            echo "Koneksi berhasil";
            echo "Gagal";

The next step is to create a database. There are 2 ways that can be used, the first one is using phpmyadmin

Once filled with the name of the database, click Create. Next is to create a table.

Enter the name of the table you want, then enter the number of columns, and click Go. Then the display appears as below

null means that at the time of filling the database, bukuid field can not be empty.
Index to define as the primary key or other
A_I short for auto increment, Auto Increment function to generate a unique number when a new data entered. This will happen automatically every the addition of new data

In addition, we can also create a database using PHP, the following syntax

//lakukan koneksi ke MySQL

//pilih database tempat tabel akan dibuat

$query = "CREATE TABLE nama_tabel(
            bukuid int(5) auto_increment primary key,
            judul varchar(50),
            tahun year,
            pengarang varchar (50),
            penerbit varchar (30)

//jalankan query
$buat = mysql_query($query);

            echo "Tabel nama_tabel berhasil dibuat";
            echo "Gagal";

Good Luck! 

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